Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Assignment:Photo Critique

I found out in class today (yesterday at this point?) that the Northern Lights would be pretty fantastic to photograph tonight. As I didn't want to go alone, I grabbed my sister and we headed for our old stomping grounds.

Growing up in Broadview, we spent a lot of time exploring Molt, side roads, the Buffalo Trail, and any random ranch road we could reasonably get our "definitely not for off roading" Honda Civic down. Aside from nearly getting stuck in ruts along wheat fields several times, the experience was well worth it, and knowing these back roads made tonight all the more worthwhile.

I've chosen three pictures that I took tonight for my post for critique, and have attached them below. The settings necessary to accomplish both of these pictures unfortunately caused a lot of quality to be lost.  For all the camera was set to the following:

Shutter Speed: 30" (long exposure) (without tripod, unfortunately)
Aperture: 4.5
ISO: 1600
Location: Polpelka Rd, outside of Molt, MT 

After long bouts of struggle, the picture I have listed first turned out. Nobody was moving (my sister thought there was a coyote moving close to us and stopped moving out of hopes that it wouldn't see us), and we finished up pretty well. This picture is the least grainy, shows the lights the best, and really was a encouraging image to come to when editing all of the pictures tonight. 

I am obsessed with the second picture, actually. My sister was taking a long exposure shot of the northern lights with her new camera, and I had been instructed to "Hold still or so help me I will end you", so when I discovered a car coming towards us, I took the opportunity to hold still and be productive. I love that there are two lights (not sure why, but it looks cool), that you can see the rows of the harvested wheat, and that the light has cast a glow around the picture. Of the pictures I took tonight, this one is definitely my favorite.

The last picture is great, albeit low quality due to the settings needed to achieve everything happening in it. I was able to capture both the Northern Lights and Big Dipper, but had some focus issues due to the fact that it was pitch black outside. We ended up discovering after the first round of pictures that we could use the house light as a target to focus on, then move to taking pictures elsewhere. However, I love how the lights look in this picture. 

Overall, I'm glad I sacrificed my sleep for pictures tonight. While the quality is still pretty grainy, I'm glad I was able to see the Northern Lights. 

1 comment:

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