Thursday, October 27, 2016

Entry 11: Regular Blog

Through the course of this class, I have run into one issue consistently: Photo Storage. 
Granted, I should have expected this, I have a 2013 Macbook Air running an 1.3Ghz i5 Core with an 128GB SSD, with 4GBS of RAM. 

 In other words, not a computer meant to store lots of RAW files. 

In my frustration of discovering that I couldn't actually store any files on my computer to edit, I became creative, and did my research.

Ultimately, I landed on temporarily using Google Photos associated with my RMC Google account (lots of storage included), and I have the option to upload "original, RAW" files enabled. 

I could have juggled an external hard drive, flash drives, etc., and as my job is in IT, I have a lot of these devices hanging around, but I've discovered a central issue with external devices: I lose them. All of the time. 
Given this, cloud storage seemed like the best alternative until I can upgrade my computer.

Although I still have storage issues on my computer(Lightroom is a HUGE application) , landing on Google Photos has saved a lot of frustration in figuring out what I'm deleting off of my Mac next. 

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